26th EAJRS conference Leiden 1015
(alphabetically ordered by presenter [fist-named])
Ariyoshi Katsuhide and Hirano Muneaki (National Archives of Japan. Japan Center for Asian Historical Records)
Using web technologies to share Japanese official documents beyond borders: JACAR's efforts to provide English metadata in translation
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) is part of the National Archives of Japan. JACAR operates a digital archive for releasing Japanese government documents from the beginning of the Meiji era to the period around the end of the Second World War. The establishment of JACAR came as a result of the Japanese Government’s 1995 "Peace, Friendship, and Exchange Initiative", which commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War Two. JACAR was established in order to share government documents that concern the history of Japanese relations with other nations, particularly neighboring countries in Asia. With this goal, JACAR aims to advance research domestically and internationally while fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between nations. To transcend borders, JACAR adds English translations to metadata of all documents so that they can be accessed in English with the archive’s search functions. However, the translation process presents a wide array of problems that must be resolved. How can JACAR best select English diction that fully preserves the nuance of the original Japanese? How can JACAR retain complete neutrality even if translations require interpretation? How can JACAR confirm with certainty that technical terms and organization names are correct? For resolving these matters, JACAR has a commission of experts working hard and this paper seeks to examine the issues involved in sharing Japanese documents beyond borders.
近代日本の歴史的公文書をインターネットで世界へ : アジ歴の資料目録情報英語化の試み
Baba Kaoru (Collège de France. Institut des hautes études japonaises)
[presentation] [youtube]
ルイ・クレットマン(1851-1914) コレクションに関する出版物
明治7年から9年にかけて日本に滞在したフランス士官ルイ・クレットマン(1851-1914)のコレクションに関する出版物、中でも彼の日記と手紙を編集した今年刊行予定の"Deux ans au Japon : journal et correspondance de Louis Kreitmann"を、紹介する。私自身が編集者の一人として参加したこの出版物には、着色されたものを含めて200枚以上の古写真が利用されていて、その大部分はコレージュ・ド・フランスのデジタル・アーカイブ、Salamandre (https://salamandre.college-de-france.fr/) で参照することができるが、写真以外のコレクションも随時ロードアップされているこのポータルも簡単に触れる。最後に、クレットマンが日本に着く一年前に日本を発った、同じくフランス士官 Echemann が持ち帰った三冊の写真アルバムの発見など、上記最新の出版物でも言及されていないいくつかの史実も報告する。
Publications about the collection of Louis Kreitmann (1851-1914)
I present some publications about the collection of Louis Kreitmann (1851-1914), French officer staying in Japan from 1876 to 1878, especially the forthcoming "Deux ans au Japon : journal et correspondance de Louis Kreitmann". This publication, of which I’m one of the scientific editors, is illustrated by more than 200 old pictures, some coloured, most of which we can visualize on Salamandre (https://salamandre.college-de-france.fr/), the digital archives portal of the Collège de France. I present also this portal, on which another documents of the collection are being loaded up. I finally speak several related topics, some of which have not yet been cited even in this latest publication: the recent discovery of three photo albums having belonged to another French officer, Echemann, who left Japan one year before Kreitmann's arrival to Japan, is one of them.
Béranger, Véronique (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Paris-Leiden : the links between the History of the Japanese public collections
The Japanese collections of the Bibliotheque nationale (imperial / royale) of France developed greatly during the 1st half of the 19th C. One of its most important part is strongly linked with the history of the Dutch factory of Deshima, Japan’s only window on Europe during the Edo period. From the beginning of the 19th C, Paris was the capital of European orientalism : scholars and physicians employed by the Dutch East Indies Company, would meet in Paris with Stanislas Julien, Abel-Remusat… ,send their articles to the Journal Asiatic, die and have their collection sold in auction there… For all these reasons, we find in the collections of the BnF an album of paintings about Dutch life in Deshima, paintings by Kawahara Keiga, by Hokusai’s studio made for Philipp von Siebold, a copy of the catalogue of the collection of Overmeer Fisscher… I would like to show how interesting for the history of Japanese studies those links are, and examine them more precisely.
パリとライデン ・19世紀の前半期にフランス国立図書館が購入した日本のコレクション
Bestor, Theodore C. (Harvard University. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies)
Archiving in almost real time: Harvard's digital archive of Japan's 2011 disasters
Within hours of the events of March 11, 2011, and long before their full magnitude was apparent, members of the Japanese studies community at Harvard University were trying to exchange information – emails from friends and colleagues in Japan, photos sent from I-phones, snatches of news reporting from Japanese and other media, announcements from the government, anything. News was precious, and we quickly realized how much this disaster was being defined, in Japan and overseas, through its digital traces. And, as scholars, we realized that the ephemeral nature of digital media, especially social media, meant that much of the record would be lost, almost immediately, within days if not weeks. By March 20th, we had begun in earnest (although very feebly at first) to start digitally archiving.
Today the Japan Digital Disaster Archive (www.jdarchive.org), contains about 1.4 million digital records, primarily in Japanese, but also in English, Korean, Chinese, and some in other European languages. Photographs, amateur video clips, cartoons, political declarations, email messages, tweets, maps, government reports, articles and headlines from the mass media, documents from international relief organizations, and many other categories of digital items are now indexed, provided with metadata, and freely and globally available through the JDA, thanks to collaborations established between the Reischauer Institute and the Internet Archive, the Japanese National Diet Library, the National Institute of Informatics, Michinoku Shinrokuden (Tohoku University), the Sendai Mediatheque, NHK, the Library of Congress in U.S., Tokyo Foundation, Asahi Shimbun, Yahoo! JAPAN, and many other organizations and individuals.
This presentation will provide an overview of JDA content, demonstrate tools that enable searches by specific topics and media, that permit users to curate individual collections, and will examine ongoing challenges faced in creating a digital archive of this sort.
リアルタイムでのアーカイビング : 2011 年東日本大震災デジタルアーカイブ
2011 年3 月11 日、地震からわずか数時間後、被害の実態が明らかになる前からハーバード 大学日本研究関係者は、E メール、写真、メディア報道、政府発表等あらゆる形での情報収 集に徹していた。即座にニュースの貴重性が明らかになり、いかにこの災害がデジタルメデ ィアにより日本国内外で定義付けられているかに私達は気づいた。そしてデジタルメディ ア、特にソーシャルメディア上の情報がほぼ即座に淘汰されてゆくことを察知し、同年3 月 20 日にデジタルアーカイブを開始した。
現在、東日本大震災デジタルアーカイブ(JDA; www.jdarchive.org)は約1億4千万のデジタ ル情報を保存する。これらの多くは日本語だが、英語、韓国語、中国語、その他ヨーロッパ 言語のものも含まれる。ライシャワー研究所の協力の下、インターネットアーカイブ、国立 国会図書館、国立情報研究所、東北大学みちのく震録伝、せんだいメディアテーク、NHK、 アメリカ議会図書館、東京財団、朝日新聞、ヤフージャパン等の団体や個人とコラボレーシ ョンを行い、写真、動画、漫画、政府発表、ツイート、マスメディアの記事、慈善援助組織 による文書等の多岐にわたる記録がJDA を通し、世界中から自由にアクセスできるように なっている。
この発表では、JDA のコンテンツを紹介し、特定のトピック及びメディアによる検索方法、 さらにユーザー個人によるコレクション作成方法を示した上で、デジタルアーカイブを構築 するにあたっての課題を検討する。
Bestor, Victoria (North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources)
Finding hidden digital collections in new European and North American profiles of the NCC global guides to Japanese collections
This session examines newly revealed inter-linkages among digital collections published in the 4th edition of NCC Global Guides to Japanese Collections日本研究のためのMLAアクセスガイド, (March 2015). With a total of 200 published profiles, the scope of the Guides has become truly global with the addition of 50 profiles from Japanese collections held outside of Japan, including 44 from North America and the first from 6 European institutions. The 5th edition to be published in March 2016 will contain more Guides from France, the Netherlands, and Belgium, as well as others from Germany and the UK, some of which will also be introduced in this presentation.
The principal focus of this talk will be on the hundreds of freely available online collections and databases developed by profiled institutions that preserve and disseminate their rich holding of rare Japanese materials. This session examines how the cross-linkages of the Guides’ interface reveal previously hidden avenues for teaching and research among geographically dispersed collections. Discussion will focus specifically on a group of Japanese-American heritage collections that together contain rich troves of documents, photographs, works of art, and personal memorabilia. The presentation will also examine the extensive archives of Japanese prints, architectural images and text profiled in the Guides, and will discuss collections of digital maps that open avenues for applying geographical information systems to traditional scholarship as well as new born-digital content.
Discussion will also provide information on grants for individual and collaborative research listed in NCC’s Global Guides to Japanese Collections. Note: as of 2015 the name of the guides was changed from the NCC Research Access Guides to Japanese Collections to better reflect its global nature.
今会議では、今年3月にWeb出版されたNCC Global Guides to Japanese Collections 日本研究のためのMLAアクセスガイド(第4版)」について考察したいと思います。当ガイドには現時点で計200の研究機関が掲載されていますが、第4版は主にデジタルコレクションの紹介を重点視しつつ、またNCCが提供する真のグローバルガイドとして日本国外の研究機関(北米44機関とヨーロッパ6機関)からの計50機関を掲載したものとなっています。尚、来年3月出版予定の第5版では後でいくつか紹介しますが、西ヨーロッパ各国の研究機関も多く掲載する予定です。
注:2015年のようにガイドの名前は、そのグローバルな性質をより良く反映するために、NCC研究アクセスガイドから (NCC日本研究資料コレクショングローバルガイド)に変更されました。
Bianchi, Alessandro (Freer and Sackler Galleries)
Digital projects for Japanese resources: future perspective and international cooperation
In the last decade we have witnessed a considerable development in digital humanities. Online repositories of digital images, full text archives, search engines, and even more elaborated database which facilitate the access of information to researchers and the general public have become increasingly common. The shift from ‘printed’ to ‘digital’ appears to be extremely fruitful in the case of descriptive catalogue as well, as this new format allows to pair metadata with images and more detailed contextual information. But what are the actual advantages of such online catalogues? This presentation will provide an overview of various digital projects initiated in recent years, highlighting strengths and limits of such online platforms. Furthermore, it aims to suggest possible ways to develop new projects and international collaborations intended to unlock Japanese resources to the World.
Flache, Ursula (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. East Asia Department)
The changing role of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin with respect to Japanese Studies in Germany: from special collection to specialist information service
In my talk during the 2012 EAJRS conference in Berlin I introduced the system of special collections ("SSG = Sondersammelgebietssystem") that existed in Germany since 1949 and explained the role of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin within this system with respect to Japanese studies in Germany. The system, which is funded by the German Research Foundation, was evaluated in 2011 and consequently reworked in order to establish new specialist information services for the academic community ("FID = Fachinformationsdienste"). In this talk I will present the features of these new FID services and I will present the new fields of activity of the East Asia Department of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin with respect to Japanese studies in Germany.
2012年にベルリンで開催されたEAJRS学会において、1949年にスタートしたドイツ全土を包括する「特定領域収集システム」("SSG = Sondersammelgebietssystem")について発表し、ベルリン国立図書館がドイツの日本学において同システム内で果たしている役割を説明した。ドイツ研究振興協会(German Research Foundation)が資金を拠出する同システムは2011年に見直しが行われ、学術界に向けた新たな「専門情報サービス」("FID = Fachinformationsdienste")に改組された。今回の発表では、新しいFIDサービスの特徴を説明し、ドイツの日本学における当館の新しい活動分野を紹介したい。
Goto Fumihiko (Nagasaki university. Library)
Nagasaki University's collection of old Japanese photographs and development of the 'Global metadata database of old Japanese photographs'
In the Bakumatsu period, many photographs were taken in Japan by foreign photographers in order to show the Japanese images to the Western world. In the Meiji era, vast amounts of Japanese photographs were sold as ‘souvenirs’ of Japan to foreign tourists and ended up abroad. The Nagasaki University Library has collected these photographs by acquiring them almost entirely from Europe over the past 25 years. It houses now over 7,000 photographs, holds exhibitions for the public and offers image databases accessible via the Internet. The Leiden University has data files about old Japanese photographs (approx. 1,100 photos) in Dutch collections. The Guimet Museum has one of the largest collections (approx. 18,000 photos) in the world. The Nagasaki University Library collaborates with these institutions to establish the ‘Global Metadata Database of Old Japanese Photographs’. My presentation will report the outline of this database and show its several screenshots.
Haratake Rumi (Kyoto university library. Interlibrary loan section)
2002年以降、日本と北米・韓国の学術機関との間でILL/DDに関する役割を担ってきた日本のGIF(Global ILL Framework)プロジェクトの取り組みについて、また、新たなILL/DDフレームワーク構築の動きについて紹介する。
GIFとは国際的なILL/DDの枠組みであり、日本のNACSIS-ILLシステムと、北米のOCLCシステム、韓国のKERISシステムをISO ILLプロトコルに基づく“システム間リンク”によって双方のILLシステムのデータ変換を行い、データ処理および料金決済をしている。
New Possibility of Global ILL Document Delivery Service of Japanese Resource
In spite of the advance of digitaization and open access, the demand to documents and books does not disappear. To correspond to the request which would like to get Japanese material certainly and easily, we consider global ILL/DD (ILL document delivery service).
From 2002 on, GIF (Global ILL Framework) project in Japan has taken the role about ILL/DD between the academic libraries in Japan, North America and Korea. I will introduce the issue of GIF project and trend of the new ILL/DD framework.
GIF is an international ILL/DD framework. In this framework NACSIS-ILL system in Japan, OCLC system in North America and KERIS system in Korea are linked each other by ISO ILL protocol, and these systems implement the functions of ILL data exchange and also the charge settlement.
GIF project is aiming at settling various problems on the accumulated practical use by results in the past for 12 years and building new global framework including Europe and Asia.
In this new framework, most important component is “The Agent”, human resources with technical knowledge and skill of bibliography and library local information. We think that by unifying the ILL/DD contact point in Japan, ILL order to Japan will easily and burden of library material holding will reduce.
Hasamoto Akiko (University Paris Diderot. East Asian languages and civilizations. Japanese studies)
現在、フランス、パリ第七大学人文学部東アジア言語文化学科日本語科において、Claire-Akiko Brisset教授の指導の下、「北斎とヨーロッパ人の出会い―ライデンとパリの40の肉筆画」をテーマにフランス語で論文を書いています。論文執筆に当たっては、パリ国立図書館のVéronique Berangerさんに、大変お世話になり、日本資料専門家欧州協会のライデンでのシンポジウムのこのお話も、教えていただきました
私の論文は、ライデンのオランダ国立民族学博物館の日本美術部門学芸員、マティ・フォラー先生が2007年に、日本での展覧会「北斎HOKUSAI &Siebold and his tradition」(江戸東京博物館ほか)に寄せられた論文「Katsushika Hokusai meeting with Siebold 」を拠り所としながらも、永田生慈氏、飯島虚心氏、1988年の展覧会「シーボルトと日本」の図録など、さまざまな日本の文献を参考にして書いています。第4章からなり、1章で日本の歴史的背景、2章で40枚の絵の紹介、3章は北斎はシーボルトに直接会ったのか、4章はこの注文は北斎に影響を与えたのか―を論じています(実はこの論文の審査はしばらく後になります)。北斎研究において、日本の江戸時代、明治時代の文献を読むことの大切さと難しさを感じた一年でした。今後研究を進めていくに当たって、日本資料専門家欧州協会の場をお借りしてご指導いただけるとありがたいです。
Hokusai meeting with Europeans : forty paintings of Leiden and Paris
Helfenbein, Katalin (Eötvös Loránd university)
Belief in the wooden effigies used for malevolent purposes between the Asuka and Heian period
In ancient Japan wooden humanoid figurines were used in various rituals such as purification, exorcism, and healing.
Based on written sources and artefacts remained it can be stated that from the beginning of the Asuka period several effigies were used as implements of malediction.
The method of curse can vary. Common precedent is that the name of the accursed is written on the figurine as well as some part of the effigy itself may show evidence of curse. The posture of the figurine can also express the act of malediction.
In most cases the person by whom the curse was put and the accursed person is known, and the fact that their names were linked mainly to the Imperial Court and politics can raise an issue about the purpose of magic.
By the Nara period, belief in the figurines of malice prepense became stronger, while in the late Nara period the (humanoid) effigies used for malediction were banned by Emperor Shōmu, and legislation was enacted to punish those being accused of the criminal act of malediction.
Although malediction was subject to prohibition, the tendency to commit crime using magic did not diminish; on the contrary, several sources state that the existence of malediction became even more significant.
By the late Heian period, this method of malediction came to be so feared that it had an influence on a certain royal ceremony.
As we look back to the period of those 600 years we can understand how the strong belief in effigies played a political role and how life in the capital was influenced by that.
Kadokura Yuriko (Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation. Cultural Resources Department. Information Resources Center)
Exploring modern Japanese society with the Shibusawa Shashi Database (SSD)
The Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation first made the Shibusawa Shashi Database (SSD) available online in fiscal 2014. The SSD includes roughly 2.3 million entries from about 1500 volumes of shashi. A shashi includes not only the history of the company that published it, but also a rich variety of information related to society as a whole. Nevertheless, shashi are often only available in a limited fashion and gaining access to contents can be difficult. With the SSD, however, it is possible to cross-search the contents of multiple shashi with keywords. Furthermore, it is also possible to arrange data from multiple chronologies into chronological order. Immediately after being made available online, the SSD was accessed by a large number of users from more than 60 countries worldwide. In my presentation I will discuss the rich possibilities of the SSD.
Koide Izumi (University of Tokyo)
アジア歴史資料センターの誕生 : アーカイブズと歴史認識問題
Genesis of the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) : opening up archives for reconciliation
The Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) originated from a 1994 statement of Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, one of a series of efforts called the “Plan for Peace and Friendship Exchanges with Asian Countries" commemorating fifty years from the end of the World War II. Subsequent to Murayama’ statement, a committee formulated a well-considered recommendation submitted to the Government in June of the following year. This said the Center should collect a wide variety of materials and information on the modern history of Japan and its neighboring Asian countries in order to promote reconciliation between them on the interpretation of history.
But it was to be some five years later, in November 1999, that the Government decided to establish the JACAR, finally opened at the National Archives of Japan in November 2001. Its role is to provide access to records of the Japanese Government in spite of the impression given by its name that it contains Asian materials, that is, the records of other countries in the region with which Japan was at war. How did this discrepancy between the official name and the actual substance of the collection come about? This paper sheds light on the issue of the characteristics and role of archives in Japan and also asks for whom archival materials really are intended by examining the records of the discussions of the Committee that set up JACAR, and exploring the policy-making process that led up to the Cabinet decision in 1999 to found the organisation.
Magnussen, Naomi Yabe (University of Oslo library. Humanities and social science library)
Kamiya Nobutake (Universität Zürich. Asien-Orient-Institut. Japanische Bibliothek)
Case study : CiNii's Japanese language bibliographies in Primo Discovery systems at Zurich and Oslo University libraries
Many university libraries are now adopting so-called “Discovery system”. For researchers and students of Japanese studies in Europe, it is really usefull that they can search for Japanese language materials in the original language. However, a Discovery system does not show Japanese bibliographic information automatically.
Both Zurich and Oslo University libraries have adopted the Primo Discovery system by ExLibris recently. But Japanese language bibliographies from CiNii, which are essential for Japanese studies scholars, were not easily accessible via Primo. Zurich and Oslo have exchanged informations in order to address this issue.
Marandjian, Karine (Russian academy of sciences. Institute of oriental manuscripts)
(Project supported by RGNF grant № 15-01-00168)
The unknown collection of Japanese wood-block printed books from the Komarov Botanical Institute (St.Petersburg)
A number of Japanese botanical wood-block printed books were kept in the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Library at the Komarov Botanical Institute (St.Petersburg) . They were mixed together with other books in the library holdings and were not separately identified as a small intentionally assembled collection.
We have sorted them out, examined and checked each volume, compiled a catalogue. The botanical collection contains 175 volumes under 17 titles. Part of the xylographs dates back to Tokugawa era, part to Meiji period. All books are wood-block printed editions with the only one exception: the multivolume series part of which is block-printed texts, the other part is manuscript text which is written within the block-printed frame which contains the title and the name of a publishing house.
Most probably, the Japanese xylographs were bought, gathered and brought to St.Petersburg by the famous Russian traveler and botanist, the Curator of the Herbarium collection of the St. Petersburg Botanical Gardens, then the Director of the Botanical Museum of the Academy of Sciences Karl Maximovih (1827-1891) who spent most of his life studying the flora of the countries he had visited in the Far East including Japan where he stayed from 1861 till 1864.
Several volumes from Maximovich collection are also found in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS.
The small collection includes the most important botanical works created in Tokugawa and Meiji Japan and provides us with possibility to get a better understanding of level of botanical studies in
19 c. Japan.
Marra, Toshie (University of California, Berkeley. C.V. Starr East Asian library)
The Mitsui manuscripts collection at the University of California, Berkeley: a preliminary report based on the recent inventory project
The C. V. Starr East Asian Library at the University of California, Berkeley is known to hold approximately 2,800 titles in 7,700 volumes of hand-written manuscripts from Japan on a wide range of subjects, mostly dating from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Most of these materails arrived at the Library in 1950 as a part of the Mitsui acquisition, consisting of over 100,000 items. While a brief list of titles with limited informaiton about individual manuscripts, whenever possible, was produced and published by a group of scholars from the National Institute of Japanese Literature and Kyoto University in 1980s, these materials have been kept uncataloged in the Library’s rare book room for the past several decades, primarily because of the lack of expertise in handling and understanding this type of materials among the library staffs. In order to explore strategies to make this unique collection more accessible to scholars, I recently initiated an inventory with this extensive collection, hoping to obtain a better understanding of the nature of the whole collection myself. I will present a preliminary analysis of the overall content of the Mitsui manuscripts collection, with particular focus on provenances and subject coverages. I will also introduce some noteworhy materials that I have encountered during my inventory project. I hope that my presentation will be a first step to break barrieres to make the Library’s somewhat hidden collection more accessible.
カリフォルニア大学バークレー校所蔵三井写本コレクション : 最近のインベントリ調査プロジェクトに基づく予備報告
カリフォルニア大学バークレー校のC. V. Starr東アジア図書館には、大半が17世紀から20世紀にかけて日本で書写された様々な領域に及ぶ写本コレクションが約2,800タイトル7,700冊あることが知られている。これらの資料の多くは、10万点に及ぶ三井文庫からの購入として1950年に当館に所蔵されるに至ったものである。これらの資料については、1980年代に国文学研究資料館および京都大学から数名の研究者が当館を訪問され、可能な限り個々の写本について解説を施したタイトルの一覧を作成の上、出版もしてくださってはいるが、当館ではこの種の資料に精通した館員がいなかったこともあり、過去数十年にわたって未整理のまま貴重書室に保管されている。このユニークなコレクションを研究者にもっと簡便に利用していただけるような手段を講じるべく、コレクション全体の性質についてより理解を深めたいと思い、私は最近になってまずは自分でこの膨大な資料群のインベントリ調査を始めることにした。この発表では、資料の由来とカバーされる学問領域に特に焦点をあてて、三井写本コレクションの内容についての分析を予備報告として提示しようと思う。インベントリ調査中に出くわした特記すべき資料についても一部紹介させていただきたいと思う。今回の発表が、当館のいくぶん秘蔵状態になってしまっているこのコレクションをよりアクセスしやすくできるよう障害を取り除いていくための第一歩になれば幸いである。
Matsukata Fuyuko (Tokyo University. Historiographical Institute)
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Embassies without credentials : European encounter with Japan in 17th century depicted in western and Japanese documents
When the Dutch East India Company (VOC), the English East India Company (EIC), the Portuguese in Macao/Goa, and the French East India Company (CIO) tried to maintain or initiate Japanese trade, they sent letters to the shogun asking his support for trade. This paper focuses on letters sent by the Dutch Governor-General in 1627 and 1649; by the Portuguese king, Joan IV in 1647, by the French king, Louis XIV in 1667 and by the British king, Charles II in 1673. The letter of 1627 was refused because it was addressed directly to the shogun, but the 1649 document was addressed to the Nagasaki magistrates and accepted. The Portuguese in Macao/Goa brought a letter of the new king, but the Tokugawa government rejected their demand because the king did not confirm that the Portuguese would obey the Cristian prohibition. François Caron, who was the member of the embassy of 1627, drew up the letter of 1649 on the basis of past failures. Moving from the Dutch to the French Company, he appears to have drafted the king’s letter, which he carried with himself as ambassador in 1667. Caron, however, was not able to reach Japan. The EIC sent its ship Return with a director who was intended to establish a Japan factory via the use of the king’s letter, but it was not handed over to Nagasaki authorities because of EIC’s representatives lack of knowledge of Japanese practices in comparison with Caron’s understanding. This paper traces the Companies’ attempts and struggles to adapt themselves to Japanese diplomatic customs, introducing both Japanese and western sources translated into Japanese or not.
『国書』がむすぶ外交 : 欧文・和文史料に見る17世紀のヨーロッパ勢力と日本
Mine Shinji (Mie University. Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics)
The current status of open access to scholarship in Japan
Over the past few decades, Open Access to Scholarship has been widely discussed and embraced differently among stakeholders in scholarly communication. We may now be at the tipping point for Open Access, realized in various forms such as academic social networking sites, institutional and subject repositories and OA journals. Japan has also marked some milestones for Open Access through “hita-hita” approach and will enter a new phase of its Open Access progress.
In this presentation, I will first summarize the key concepts of Open Access to scholarly information, especially scholarly journals and rationale for why it is desirable and important for us and give a brief overview of recent global trends in Open Access scholarly communication. Then, I will give a short history of Japanese Open Access movements and overview the current status of the Open Access landscape in Japan, including policy development (e.g. CSTP, MEXT, JST), university and library’s initiatives (e.g. NII, DRF) and researchers’ behaviors. Finally, on the basis of recent Open Science/Access policy initiatives in Japan, I would like to outlook near future directions and possibilities of Japanese scholarship towards Open Science and Open Access.
Nakamura Haruko (Yale University)
Yanagihara Yoshie (Tokyo Denki University. School of Science and Engineering)
Current situation and challenges of building a LGBTQ ephemera collection at Yale
This presentation will report on the current situation and challenges of building a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) ephemera collection development project at Yale. As academic and other institutions have recently explored the importance of collecting marginalized materials, demands for LGBTQ related materials have been increasing. However, only a few public institutions in Japan have been doing collection development on LGBTQ materials. Based on this existing condition and the lack of collection building for LGBTQ materials in Japan, Yale University East Asia Collection has been collecting essential library materials related to topics such as “Barazoku”, but it continues to be very challenging to collect related ephemeral materials which has been created and disciminated in Japan.
Discussion started as a collaborative effort with a Japanese scholar in 2012, when this project was established, operating in two locations in both Japan and at Yale. As a result, the project enabled us to continuously get to access ephemeral LGBTQ materials which is usually difficult to obtain. In addition, the project enables the library to collect, categorize and preserve materials related to LGBTQ issues in Japan.
On the other hand, the project is currently facing challenges of collecting materials from the past and collecting ephemera from regions of Japan outside the Tokyo area. Also, issues relating to topical, chronological and medium or format categorizations have been slowing the progress of curating materials. Through this project, we will acquire and collect, then categorize, preserve and disseminate LGBTQ related resources with of high research value.
Nakamura Misa (National Institute of Japanese Literature. Center for Collaborative Research on Pre-modern Texts)
About a database construction in the "project to build an international collaborative researchers' network on pre-modern Japanese books" by the National Institute of Japanese Literature
With “Pre-modern Books in Japanese” as the keyword, the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Researchers' Network on Pre-modern Japanese Books” was inaugurated at the National Institute of Japanese Literature in 2014. In carrying out this project, we will construct a “Pre-Modern Japanese Book Data Base” as a foundation for research. This will be a database for the academic research of pre-modern Japanese books and it will be largest database and the only database of this size in Japan.
There is a “KOKUSHO SO MOKUROKU(Union Catalogue of Early Books Database)” among the database open to public at the National Institute of Japanese Literature. This provides information on the bibliography and location of pre-modern books along with reference information on the book and the author, and the database is known as a basic research tool vital for searching catalogues of pre-modern Japanese books.
This project will construct a database system which integrates scanned data of materials and catalogue information from the “Union Catalogue of Early Books Database”. It is possible to understand the location of materials being searched for more quickly and accurately by being able to confirm image data simultaneously, and enables confirmation of the contents without going to the location of the materials.
As well as participation in the implementation of the project by a base of twenty domestic universities, plans are also in place for coordination with institutions including overseas universities research facilities with Academic Exchange Partner Organization of the National Institute of Japanese Literature taking the central role.
In this presentation, I’ll talk about such as overview of our database.
Nishikawa Makiko (Kyoto University Library)
京都大学図書館の"オープン戦略" : 尊攘堂資料からオープンアクセス方針まで
The open strategy of Kyoto University Libraries : from Meiji restoration images to open access policy
Our Libraries hold a lot of rare classic materials, for example Meiji Restoration Images, "Japanese flora" by Siebold, and others, which are related to this conference. We digitize, webify and open the materials, and make them available for domestic and international education and research activities.
I will introduce the materials, the website (Rare Materials Exhibition / OPAC) and Research Information Repository, which contains our library exhibition catalogs and scholarly works. In addition, I will refer to "Kyoto University Open Access Policy", which was adopted on April 28, 2015 and explain about our new efforts.
Nishizono Yui (Kagoshima University Library)
Japanese modernization and the perspective of Satsuma domain: efforts for sharing its cultural heritage
The documents and collections of the Shimazu clan, which has assumed control of south area of Kyushu Island from the medieval era to the end of Edo Period, are dispersedly preserved in Japan. One of the collections is the "Tamazato collection" in Kagoshima University Library, the former collection of Tamazato-Shimazu clan, consisting of approximately 18,900 books. It contains former collection of Shimazu Hisamitsu and books deeply related to Shimazu Shigehide and Shimazu Nariakira, who are known as adorers of Dutch culture. The collection containing from Japanese or Chinese books to translated books from western languages shows the tradition of knowledge in Satsuma Domain since Shigehide, who promoted adoption of western knowledge and educational, cultural and industrial policy. It is one of the most important resources for research for both local history and Japanese history as it reflects the perspective of Satsuma Domain which played a significant role at the Meiji Restoration and modernization of Japan. In my presentation, I will introduce some Dutch-related books from "Tamazato collection" to show the adoption and evolution of western knowledge in Satsuma Domain, and our internal/local efforts for preservation and sharing its cultural heritage.
Ōshiba Tadahiko (The National Diet Library. Library Support Division)
NDL training plan for Japanese studies librarians
One aspect of the National Diet Library (NDL)’s library supporting activities is to provide support to Japanese studies librarians. The NDL sets out as one of its strategic aims, promotion of cooperation with other libraries. In accordance with this aim, from 2015, the NDL carries out its training plan for Japanese studies librarians around the world in order to provide substantial support for Japanese studies librarians.
Three types of training are provided by the NDL to Japanese studies librarians. One is group training in Japan, the second is a training program carried out by dispatched NDL staff in meetings of the Japanese studies librarians’ group, and the last is e-learning training provided through the Internet. The paper describes the contents of these three types of training, especially the group training to be carried out in cooperation with organizations around the Kansai-kan of the NDL, in January 2016.
Sekine Ryohei (Tōhoku University)
Gaihozu maps owned by universities in Japan
The Gaihozu Maps are the local map (mainly general drawings = topographical map) outside the territory of Japan, which the Imperial Japanese Army made due to their military interest from 1880s through 1940s. The area Gaihozu Maps cover range East Asia-Pacific region, Alaska, mainland United States, Australia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Those maps were made by the following methods: 1) the location survey by Japanese authorized department, 2) aerial photogrammetry together with location survey, 3) reprint the topographical maps made by foreign countries, 4) survey seacretly. A method of rendering and degree of precision are varied.
The Gaihozu Maps should have been used for the actual military exercises and operations. At the end of World War II, a large number of Gaihozu Maps were left in the Sanbo Honbu(General Staff Headquarter of Japan) in Ichigaya, Tokyo, Japan. A few academics noticed a non-military value and had tried evacuating these maps right before the General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ SCAP) arrived. About one hundred thousand (100,000) sheets of Gaihozu Maps were taken to Tohoku University for example.
It was after 1995 that the Gaihozu Maps became recognized to some extent and started to be used in earnest as an important source of information which shows the past surface of the earth environment. Since then Gaihozu Maps has been widely used for researches on land use, landscape change, geomorphology, map-making technique, and place-name search.
Furthermore, since Gaihozu Digital Archive was launched, the usage of the Gaihozu Maps have been used by the users outside the academia as well. The current goal for us is to study more about which overseas institutions own the Gaihozu Maps and the characteristics of them.
Shchepkin, Vasily (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental manuscripts)
(Russian Foundation for Humanities Project №15-01-00168)
知られざる「蝦夷生計図説」の写本 : 比較研究の成果
An unknown copy of "Ezo seikei zusetsu" : some results of comparative study
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of Russian Academy of Sciences preserves some written sources about Ainu. Some of them are well known, but some are rare or unique. “Higashi Ezo Ikou” (“Classified observation of Eastern Ainu”) is an unknown copy of “Ezo Seikei Zusetsu” (“Illustrated observation of living conditions of Ainu”) compiled by Murakami Teisuke in 1823, which exists just in few copies in Japan. In 2013–2014, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts and Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies conducted a comparative research of six copies of “Ezo Seikei Zusetsu” and concluded that “Higashi Ezo Ikou” may be an early rough copy of the work. First, the very name of the copy referring to “Eastern Ainu” hints at the period when only Eastern part of Ainu lands (east of Hokkaido and southern Kuril islands) were under central government’s control and the initial author of the work Murakami Shimanojo participated in the expedition to those lands in early 1800s. Second, paleographical characteristics of the “Higashi Ezo Ikou” i. e. usage of kanji or kana and rare forms of kanji mark it out while other copies of the work seem to have a tendency to simplification. Lastly, the history of this copy itself deserves to be examined. Deriving from the library of Tayasu House, it came to the hands of some governmental official in early Meiji years and then was bought by the member of Russian Geographical Society Alexander V. Grigoriev, who collected materials of all kinds concerning Ainu in 1879–1880 and then brought them to Saint Petersburg. 54 manuscripts and woodblock-printed books about Ainu from his collection were conveyed to Asiatic Museum in 1906 after his death.
Tanaka Azusa (University of Washington Libraries)
Imperial Japanese army map collection at University of Washington
Gaihozu maps are topographic maps of areas outside the former Japanese territories which were created by the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. Many of them were taken by allied forces and transferred to the Army Map Service during the occupation period. These maps were later sent to the Washington Document Center. Some stayed there, and some traveled even further to the Library Congress. Approximately ten university libraries in the United States including the University of Washington Libraries eventually received some of the maps.
The collection at the University of Washington Libraries contains about 2000 sheets of Gaihozu maps, which cover some parts of Russia and Japan unlike the collections at other institutions which primarily cover territory outside Japan. UW Libraries have started processing their collection and are in the process of creating an inventory. A group of librarians in the U.S. whose institutions hold Gaihozu map collections started discussing ways to determine provenance between the various institutions which have such collections, and the best way to collaboratively process them.
In this presentation I am going to talk about the characteristics of the Gaihozu collection at the UW Libraries as well as some other institutions in the U.S. and the plans to identify owners of other collections with the goal of processing these maps collaboratively. I hope this presentation will inspire a discussion with librarians in Europe and result in more information being available on how their collections have been processed, organized, and used.
Tokugawa Maki (Tokugawa Museum)
Introducing Tokugawa families' historical materials and their accessibility
The Tokugawa Shogunate governed Japan for 265 years after Tokugawa Ieyasu became Shogun in 1603. The feudal system came to an end when Tokugawa Yoshinobu restored Japan’s imperial government to power in 1867, and thereafter, heads of each Tokugawa family became members of the House of Peers and took on significant roles in the fields of politics and diplomacy. In the wake of World War II, three Tokugawa families established private foundations in order to preserve, protect, and exhibit their heritage: the Tokugawa Memorial Foundation (associated with the head of the Tokugawa family), the Tokugawa Reimei Foundation (associated with the Owari Tokugawa family), and the Tokugawa Museum, Mito (associated with the Mito Tokugawa family). At present, the Cabinet Office oversees management of the three foundations. Affiliated temples and shrines also preserve materials of Tokugawa families.
Tokugawa families’ historical materials have not been easily accessible to researchers, who would normally have to begin their research by locating materials and by then acquiring permission to use the materials. The aim of this presentation is to facilitate research by summarizing the collections and contacts at each of the aforementioned foundations, temples, and shrines. The presentation highlights, as an example, the collection of the Mito Tokugawa family and clarifies its profound connection to Europe: the family’s editorial project History of Greater Japan epitomizes its enthusiastic support for research on Japanese history and for the collection of miscellaneous overseas publications. The presentation focuses on Christian relics confiscated by Mito domain, the overseas publications collected by the ninth head of the Mito Tokugawa family (Nariaki, 1800–1860), and various historical artifacts brought back to Japan by the eleventh head of the Mito Tokugawa family (Akitake, 1853–1910), whom the Tokugawa Shogunate had sent to the Paris International Exposition in 1867 as a representative.
Tomita Chinatsu (University of the Ryukyus. Library)
Bazzell, Tokiko Y. (University of Hawaii at Manoa. Asia Collection Dept.)
越境する沖縄研究と資料II : 「阪巻・宝玲文庫」のデジタル化プロジェクトを通して / 障壁をのり越えて : 太平洋間の協力が貴重資料庫の扉を開く
Okinawan studies and resources beyond boundaries II : project of "Sakamaki/Hawley Collection" / Breaking Barriers : a trans-Pacific cooperation to open the resource vault
University of the Ryukyus Library’s efforts for information sharing of Ryukyu-Okinawa research was introduced at the "Okinawan Studies and Resources beyond boundaries" session which was held on 2013 in Paris. Digitization project of "Sakamaki/Hawley Collection" of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), one of the projects of University of the Ryukyus Library’s was introduced too. This presentation reports progress of the project after that.
The digitization project of "Sakamaki/Hawley Collection" has been carried out by researcher, technical professionals and library staff at the University of the Ryukyus and UHM. They are working on making an abstract of materials and English translation etc. This presentation also explains the process of making abstract and English translation and introduces efforts for promoting utilization of this project after publication.
This presentation introduces "Tsutome-gaki ", one of the "Sakamaki/Hawley Collection" and refers Honkoku work of the material as well.
The plan to digitize and share the resources of the Sakamaki/Hawley Collection at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) was introduced during the "Okinawan Studies and Resources beyond Boundaries" session at the 2013 EAJRS in Paris. The project is an international collaboration between scholars, resource specialists, and technical professionals at UHM and the University of the Ryukyus.
This presentation reports the progress and experience gained in the planning, administration, material selection, and digitization aspects of the project. Although projects such as these advance the mission to increase access to resources, there are nonetheless practical realities and barriers that must be dealt with in the broad areas of technology, communications, personnel, and administrative practices within and between the respective organizations.
The presentation also discusses the Sakamaki/Hawley Collection's "Ryukyu ran shaseizu (a drawing of Ryukyuan orchid), a hanging scroll created by Udagawa Yōan, who was a 19th century scholar/botanist. The presenter's research journey to unlock this previously unexplored hanging scroll provided valuable learning experiences that went beyond scroll itself. The research process provided an intriguing glimpse into the ties between Japan, Netherlands, and Ryukyu during the Edo period.
Uemura Jun'ichi (National Institute of Informatics)
Ōshiba Tadahiko (National Diet Library)
Tytler, Izumi (University of Oxford. Bodleian Japanese Library)
Hasunuma Ryuko (Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln. Bibliothek)
Hirano Akira (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)
Kamiya Nobutake (Universität Zürich. Asien-Orient-Institut. Japanische Bibliothek)
使いこなそう!CiNiiとNDL-OPAC(及びNDLサーチ) : 二(三)大書誌データベースの有用性
今回のNACSIS-Sessionは、日本の二大書誌データベースを比較することによって、業務上役立つ使い方を学び、更に使いこなす術を習得することを目的としています。更に この二つの組織が提供するサービスを比較することにより、この二つの組織が今後担うであろう役割について考える布石としたいと思います。
Usability comparison of two (or three) databases : CiNii and, NDLOPAC (plus NDLSearch)
The aim of the NACSIS-CAT special session of this year is to compare the overall usability of NII’s CiNii (Books/Articles) and NDL OPAC (plus NDL Search), two major Japanese bibliographic databases, which are most frequently used inside and outside Japan. The intention of the session is to provide European users with opportunities to evaluate the usability of the databases and help improve their performance and skills by finding the most effective and efficient ways of using these databases in their daily work. We also hope to advocate for the needs of EAJRS members, and our discussion/views will be reported to both institutions for their future planning of services and mission.
Yamamoto Kenta (Kokugakuin University)
Establishment and the future of the Gaihozu Digital Archive in Japan
In this presentation, I will be reporting on the establishment, maintenance, and future of the Gaihozu Digital Archive in Japan. In 2005, the Archive was released by the Geography Research Group of the Tohoku University and the university’s library, and it has been maintained by the Geography Research Group. Thirteen thousand of the already scanned fourteen thousand maps have been made available through the Archive. Users of the Archive can search these maps by textual keywords (latitude/longitude location, surveying agency, title of the map, etc.) or visually view them via a web-based map.
The Archive is based on a catalog of Gaihozu maps that was developed in 1994 by the Geography Research Group of Tohoku University. Other universities, such as Ochanomizu University and Kyoto University, also have huge Gaihozu map collections, and they referred to this catalog in order to catalog their own collections. These catalogs from each collection in different universities were integrated into the Archive in 2014. Although it does not completely meet the global standard formats such as the Dublin Core, the Archive includes an exhaustive amount of bibliographic information, such as coordinate, size, surveying agency, and handwritten notes. Therefore, converting the Archive into the international standard format is now possible, which is anticipated in the future.
Some of the digitalized maps have not been published for political reasons, depending on their origin, history, and ranges of the maps. Additionally, strategic collaboration with other researchers and institutions developing similar databases and digital archives is also inevitable. To improve or resolve these issues, we aim to develop the relationships between domestic and international institutions and agencies.
Yasue Akio (Gakushuin University)
Preservation of Ransho collections
Ransho or Dutch books imported in Edo Japan played a prominent role in the modern history of Japan. Nevertheless they were, largely speaking, forgotten after the Meiji Restoration.
In 1953, some 3600 uncirculated Ransho were discovered in the NDL’s storehouse. It was the epoch-making discovery as it lead the creation of Rangaku Siryou Kenkyukai and later Nichi-Ran Gakkai and Yogakusi Kenkyukai which all made noteworthy contribution for the study of Western learning of modern Japan.
NDL’s Ransho collection had long been poorly stored and books were often damaged. When hidden Ransho became unhidden and consulted, it became necessary to repair them. It was done at NDL and in other libraries as well but not properly to lose some historical evidence. NDL decided not to repair Ransho around 1965 and since then they were kept without any conservation treatment.
In 1991, NDL started a new conservation project for the Ransho collection applying the phase conservation approach. The 1st phase was carried out in 1991-1994 to do 1) dry cleaning, 2) condition survey, and 3) protection. The 2nd phase to provide minimum conservation treatment to about 500 damaged Ransho was carried out in 2001-2005.
In other Ransho collections, Aoi Bunko of Sizuoka Prefectural library was fully digitalized and accessible from its HP now. Tokyo National Museum has started last year the conservation and digitization of its Shiebolt collection. Preservation of Ransho collections is moving forward.
While promoting such preservation projects, an online union catalogue of Ransho is keenly needed to promote accessibility of these important historical collections.
Yokota-Carter, Keiko (University of Michigan Library. Asia Library)
Visualizing the landscape of digital scholarship in Japanese studies
Analysis of digital text, data and the many other forms of digital content is becoming increasingly important in social science and humanities. Access to Japanese digital resources has been an issue for over a decade, and this “old issue” has become “a new challenge” to a new generation of Japanese Studies scholars who engage in digital scholarship. How can we create an intellectual space where scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers, and platform developers can work together to break these barriers and unlock Japanese resources to the world?
In this presentation I examine the place of digital resources in the humanities research cycle, survey the current landscape of digital scholarship projects, and call for collaboration to build the future of global Japanese studies.