Ozawa Takashi
National Diet Library. Parliamentary Documents and Official Publications Division, Research and Legislative Reference Bureau





How to search for administrative information in Japan

This presentation will provide an overview of a number of tools that are useful for researching information published by Japanese government agencies, including the National Diet Library (NDL) Digital Collections, the Web Archiving Project (WARP), search guides, and other material created by the NDL as well as tools created by other institutions such as the National Archives of Japan Digital Archive and the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR).

In addition, we will take a look at the white papers, official statistics, cabinet resolutions, and other kinds of information that Japanese government agencies make public as well as review basic information necessary to finding information published by prefectural and municipal governments.

I hope to present a simple overview of useful websites and other tools as well as to share actual examples of how NDL employees respond to requests for reference services in suggesting some concrete techniques for using information resources and for finding information published by Japanese government agencies.