(alphabetically ordered by presenter [fist-named])
Andreescu, Anca (National Library of Romania)
500 ukiyo-e : the collection of Japanese woodblock prints at the National Library of Romania
The National Library Collection of Japanese woodblock prints points out almost every representative moment of the history of the Japanese woodblock prints from the second half of the Edo period. From sumizuri-e, the monochrome printing using only black ink to benizuri-e, crimson printed pictures, from urushi-e to nishiki-e, the multi-colored woodblock printing, most of the styles and wellknown artists are present in this collection of pictures of the floating world.
Colta, Ioan Paul (Complexul Muzeal Arad)
Rediscovering kuchi-e woodblock prints : a renewed perspective on late Meiji Japanese prints
The current paper provides a description of an initiative conceived as part of a broader endeavour to rediscover and re-evaluate Japanese prints from the late Meiji period (1868-1912). In May 2016, this initiative has come to fruition in the shape of an exhibition of kuchi-e woodblock prints, organized in Arad, Romania.
The kuchi-e prints exhibited at the Arad Art Museum come from three collections of Japanese art, located in three countries, Germany, Romania and Japan. Most of them are part of the Far East art collection of Adrian Ciceu (Berlin, Germany) and the rest from the collections of Ioan Paul Colta (Arad, Romania) and Ioan-Liviu Orleţchi (Tokyo, Japan).
The exhibition entitled Kuchi-e. Japanese prints from the Meiji period was the first exhibition of kuchi-e prints organized in Romania, and at the same time, the first one in Europe.
The term kuchi-e defines a type of polychromatic Japanese print produced, approximately, in the last two decades of the Meiji period (c. 1890-1912). The word kuchi-e, literally translated as mouth-picture, refers - in a descriptive manner, specific to many Japanese terms - to a woodcut print (or sometimes a lithograph) that was inserted at the beginning (this being the "mouth") of a magazine or a novel.
Kuchi-e prints enjoyed great popularity at the time, due to their particular charm and, moreover, they had an important role, namely, that of strengthening the bonds of their beholders to the Japanese cultural heritage, to the tradition of Japanese woodblock printing. Thus, the prints benefited in their making from the best craftsmen and engravers especially printers. Kuchi-e prints offer a unique and fascinating insight into the life of the Meiji period and also access to an array of feelings, contexts and imagery, from which modern Japan would emerge in the twentieth century.
Feng, Haiying (Tsinghua University)
Flache, Ursula (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. East Asia Department)
旅は視野を広げてくれる : 国立国会図書館開催の「海外日本研究司書研修」についての報告
2016年1月、国立国会図書館主催の「海外日本研究司書研修」(http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/library/training_jsl.html)が, 国立国会図書館関西館 (http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/service/kansai/index.html)を主会場として開催された。プログラムには関西館での研修セッション(4日間)に加え、関西地方にある日本研究施設図書館の見学(4日間)が盛り込まれていた。スケジューリングおよび研修中の移動手段の提供とそのコストは国立国会図書館が担当したが、国際交通費・滞在費は各参加者の所属機関が負担した。研修は日本語で行われた。今回の研修には米国8名、フランス1名、イタリア1名、韓国1名、ドイツ1名の計12名が参加した。
- Kyôto International Manga Museum/京都国際漫画ミュージアム (http://www.kyotomm.jp/)
- Tenri Central Library /天理図書館 (http://www.tcl.gr.jp/index.htm)
- Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai, Library/国際交流基金関西国際センター図書館 (http://www.jfkc.jp/ja/library/)
- Library of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies/国際日本文化研究センター図書館(Nichibunken, http://library.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/)
Travelling broadens the mind : report about the NDL’s Training for Japanese studies librarians outside of Japan
In January 2016 the National Diet Library (NDL, Tokyo) offered a training course for Japanese studies librarians from outside of Japan (http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/library/training_jsl.html). The program took place at the branch library in the Kansai region, the so-called Kansai-kan (http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/service/kansai/index.html) and consisted of four days of sessions at the Kansai-kan itself and four days of visits to institutions in the vicinity related to Japanese studies. The schedule and local transportation was organized and financed by the NDL, whereas the costs for oversea travel and accommodation were borne by the participants’ home institutions. The whole program was conducted in Japanese. Eight of the twelve participating librarians came from the USA and one person each came from France, Italy, South Korea and Germany.
The days at the Kansai-kan included a tour of the building, a public talk by Ms. ISHIGAMI Aki (Nichibunken) on a joint exhibition project with the British Library concerning Japanese erotic prints (shunga), two meetings with the colleagues of the NDL to exchange opinions, time for self-study in the reading room and several lectures. The latter focused on the digital contents of the NDL’s website, on search techniques, the usage of the ILL services and certainly the NDL’s collections.
The visits included the following four institutions that differed greatly in their collections, target user group and usage conditions:
- Kyôto International Manga Museum/京都国際漫画ミュージアム (http://www.kyotomm.jp/)
- Tenri Central Library /天理図書館 (http://www.tcl.gr.jp/index.htm)
- Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai, Library/国際交流基金関西国際センター図書館 (http://www.jfkc.jp/ja/library/)
- Library of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies/国際日本文化研究センター図書館(Nichibunken, http://library.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/)
Focseneanu, Anca (University of Bucharest. Department of Japanese Language and Literature)
Japanese lexicographic resources in Romania : the case of the first Romanian-Japanese dictionary
The purpose of this presentation is to analyse from a cultural and linguistic point of view the first Romanian-Japanese Dictionary (Ra-Nichi jiten) edited in 1940 by Radu N. Flondor, Secretary of the Romanian Legation in Tōkyō. I consider that this dictionary represents an important resource for the history of Japanese studies in Romania, but also a very interesting resource for philological study in general.
The presentation is divided into two parts. In the first part I discuss the cultural context in which the dictionary was published, as well as the background of its editor. In the second part I present and analyse the content of the dictionary.
The Romanian-Japanese dictionary was published in a period when the first cultural relations between Romania and Japan were established. In a study entitled “Japan in Romanian Books Before World War Two”, Mitrasca (2006) has identified fifty books about Japan published by Romanians before World War II (mostly during 1904-1906 and the late 1930s) These books represent the first attempt to educate the Romanian people about Japan. The elaboration of the Romanian-Japanese dictionary was an initiative of the Tōkyō Nichi-Ra kyōkai (The Japanese-Romanian Society in Tōkyō). The dictionary was published in one hundred copies. Most of them disappeared together with the ship carrying them from Japan to Romania at the beginning of the War. In 1973, it was reedited in Ōsaka under the title Rumania-go jiten.
As far as the content is concerned, the dictionary contains three prefaces with interesting observations regarding the process of its elaboration, some pages of explanations for the romanization system used, 1500 pages of lexical entries and some final notes regarding the Japanese classifiers’ system. A number of beautiful illustrations accompany the first page of every new letter. In my analysis, I focus especially on the phonetic transcription and the grammatical indications and commentaries.
Gheorghe, Alexandra Marina (University of Bucharest. The Japanese Language and Literature Department)
Japanese literary translations in communist Romania between 1960 and 1989
The purpose of the present research is to make a synthesis of all the Romanian translations of Japanese literature during the Communist regime, between 1960 and 1989. As mentioned by many Romanian intellectuals who were forced to live under the Communist regime, they used to read the translations from the Japanese literature as a kind of revolt against the Communist dogma. They regarded it as a part of their fight through culture against the unyielding Communist thinking. These were some of the reasons which allowed only a small part of the Japanese literature to be translated into Romanian. There were also other reasons which influenced the fact that only a small number of Japanese translations could be published in Romania. Among these, the fact that the political regimes of the two countries were completely different, as well as the fact that the diplomatic relations between Communist Romania and free Japan were sometimes dwindling, seemed to be the most important ones. The Communist writer Takakura Teru’s novels – like The Wolf – were among the first books to be translated into Romanian in the sixties and they were followed by other Japanese translations like the first nine chapters of Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji) as well as ancient Japanese poetry. Despite the fact that Japanese theater and contemporary poetry followed, if we compare the seventies and the eighties, we can see that the number of the translations did not increase. Under these circumstances, it is also our purpose to explain this peculiar aspect as a part of the general dynamics of the Romanian culture from that period of time, when everything regarding the Western culture – Japan included – was considered to be a potential threat for the orthodox Communist thinking mixed with a very complex and dangerous nationalistic line of thought.
この研究テーマは、1960年代の初めから1980年代の終わりごろまでの共産党に統治 されたルーマニアで翻訳された印刷物の中で日本文学の作品のリストを作ることを予定しています。その作品を選んだ理由も大事ですから、それも説明するつもりです。その時代を生きていたルーマニアの知識人によって、日本文学の翻訳は共産主義の剛性の考え方に反対する方法として読まれていて、日本文学作品の翻訳はその時代に培われた抵抗の一部分であったそうです。ですから、共産党時代のルーマニアには日本文学作品の翻訳を所収している本は少なかったです。その理由はいろいろでしたが、第一と第二の要因は日本の自由政治制度に反対した共産党のイデオロギーとそのルーマニアで行われていた共産党政治の影響が強か ったからです。戦後、共産党に統治されたルーマニア国と自由政治制度の日本国との外交関係は少なかったので、ルーマニアで日本文学が導入されたのは1960年代でした。60年代ごろ初めて、少なくとも日本文学の共産主義の高倉輝 (1891 - 1986) の「狼」というような小説、日本古典文学の「源氏物語」の第一巻からと第九巻までの一部分、日本の古典文学の和歌が出版され始めました。1970年代は1980年代と比べて、日本文学作品数は少しずつ減ってきました。それをルーマニアの文化的ダイナミックスの一部分として説明する予定です。
Ichikawa, Yoshinori (Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. Maison du Japon. Bibliothèque)
パリ日仏協会図書室 : 1世紀前の在欧日本学研究図書室の一例
まずは会報を中心に協会図書室の活動を探っていきたい。例えば3分の1世紀にわたる会員名簿を精査した結果、「司書」を務めていたのはEdme ARCAMBEAUとHenri DOPFELDであることがわかる。また一時期、パリ留学中の洋画家、山下新太郎が図書室にて日本語資料の仏訳などを行っていたようである。1908年から、協会図書室は国立エヌリー美術館のなかに置かれたこともわかっている。また現在パリ国際大学都市日本館図書室に残る資料についても言及したい。
The library of the Société franco-japonaise de Paris : an example of Japanese studies libraries in Europe one century ago
The speaker is studying about the Société franco-japonaise de Paris (SFJP), founded on the occasion of the Word’s Fair of Paris in 1900. The library of the Maison du Japon in the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris in which he works owns ancient collection of the SFJP’s library. Its bulletin is published until the early 1930’s. This society consists of many nationalities, not only French and Japanese but also British, German and American and so on. In its establishment many leading members are interested in Japanese art.
According to the Article 2 of its statute, conferences, publishing and the library are three important activities. It seems rare to find example of the “International Cooperation between Japanese Studies Libraries” in Europe in the beginning of the 20th century. However the SFJP library exchanges its publication with the Japan Society of London founded in 1891, receives books in many European languages from the authors and subscribes to “the Kokka”, Japanese periodical of Oriental art.
The SFJP’s activities are examined by the bulletin. From theirs members’ lists, we find the names of Edme ARCAMBEAU and Henri DOPFELD as its librarian. Shintaro YAMASHITA, young art’s student in Paris stays in the library to help translations of Japanese documents. From an article of its bulletin, the library is placed in the National Museum d’Ennery in Paris since 1908. The SFJP’s collection conserved in the Maison du Japon will be also presented.
Kawauchi, Yuko (Ritsumeikan University. School of Letters)
1870年代の「忠臣蔵」の西洋読者 : ミットフォードの紹介とディッキンズの英訳の比較からの考察
The readership of 47 ronins among the westerners in the 1870s : comparative study of Mitford’s introduction and Dickins’s translation
Accessible archives and progressed databases have enabled us to do holistic research about readership or perception of translated Japanese literatures in other countries. Especially, the researches on the translations published before 1905, when Book Review Digest which covers all reviews and advertisement appeared in major literal magazines hadn't published yet, is one of the rapidly updated topic in recent years. By utilizing the databases, this paper will compare the readership and reviews of the two English translations of 47 ronins: the opening article of A. B Mitford's anecdotes Tales of Old Japan (1871) and the first full English translation of the Japanese puppet drama Kanadehonchushingura translated by F.V. Dickins (1875).
The Ako ronin's attack on Kira's residence (1702) has been popular among the Japanese through dramas, publication, and visual culture. After the opening of Japan towards the world, this historical incident and the respective treatment from the Japanese had been mentioned by the Westerners as a national character. Mitford's successful publication gave detailed explanation about the incident based on Kodan and the historical cite Sengaku-ji temple where there are 47 ronins' and their feudal lord's graves and made the name of 47 ronins into popular among the Western society. On the other hand, Dickins' full translation focused on a literal aspect of the drama which was based on the incident. The both translations which I will compare here introduced the story as a symbolical image of Japanese heroes and has influenced on the later perceptions.
This comparison between the two contemporary works will reveal the different readerships which had been generalized as "Western readers".
Kelly, Michaela (Lafayette College)
Building an archive of Japanese images at Lafayette College and creating international partnerships with others
Paul Barclay and a team of skilled technicians and librarians at Lafayette College (in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA) have created the East Asia Image Collection (http://digital.lafayette.edu/collections/eastasia), home to digitized postcards, photographs and publications from the 19th and 20th centuries, depicting Japan beginning in the imperial era and continuing through the post-WWII period. Keeping closely with the theme of last year’s session entitled ‘Introducing collections and resources: the modern period’, this presentation will both introduce the East Asia Image Collection, offer examples of the way the collection has been used to derive new and innovative scholarship from the images and respond to the theme of international cooperation between institutions.
In response to the 2016 focus on partnership, the second half of the presentation is devoted to a discussion of the work being done at Lafayette to create and manage partnerships with other instiutions. The East Asia Image Collection has connected with image collections in Japan containing similar image themes or shared time periods. After an interactive demonstration of the archive, the presenter hopes to foster discussion among conference participants about some of the challenges innate in linking digital archives internationally, faced with spanning several archive languages and different cataloging/classification systems. Audience member ideas and comments will be solicited and are appreciated.
Kikkawa, Hideki (National Research Institute for Cultural Properties)
東京文化財研究所における「文化財に関する専門的アーカイブの拡充」 : 『日本美術年鑑』のコンテンツを国際的学術基盤へ
東京文化財研究所(東文研)は美術を研究する機関として 1930 年に設置された美術研究所を母体とし、現在は文化財情報資料部、無形文化遺産部、保存科学研究センター、文化遺産国際協力センターの4研究部門による有形・無形の文化財に関する総合的研究機関である。発表者が所属する文化財情報資料部では、絵画・彫刻・工芸品等の文化財に関する基礎的調査研究などを多角的に展開する一方、文化財の調査・研究で得られる資料の収集・蓄積とその公開も重要な業務のひとつと位置づけて遂行している。また2013年から所内に組織されたアーカイブワーキンググループでは、これまでに研究所全体に蓄積されてきた研究成果・研究資料の把握とその公開方法について検討してきた。本年度は、国内のみでなく海外の研究者にも日本文化財研究のための基礎的な学術情報へのアクセスをより容易にするために、『日本美術年鑑』(1936年創刊)のコンテンツの一部の国際的学術基盤への提供することを計画している。本発表では、東京文化財研究所における「専門的アーカイブの拡充」の経緯、アーカイブワーキンググループの活動、また蓄積された研究成果・研究資料を紹介するとともに、『日本美術年鑑』コンテンツの国際的学術基盤への提供を中心に、海外関連機関との連携事業などの実践について報告する。
Expansion of Cultural Archives at National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo (NRICP): Providing Contents of The Yearbook of Japanese Art for Global Academic Information Infrastructure
The National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo (NRICPT, known as Tobunken in Japan) was established in 1930 as the Institute of Art Research (Bijutsu Kenkyūjo). Today, it is a research institute for both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, consisting of four departments: Art Research, Archives and Information Systems; Intangible Cultural Heritage; Center for Conservation Science; and Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation. The Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, which I belong to, multilaterally develops fundamental research in the field of cultural properties, such as paintings, sculptures and applied fine arts. At the same time, we organise art archives by collecting materials and images through studying cultural properties, and make them available to the public. In 2013, we established the Archive Working Group in the institute to get together research results and materials scattered in the four department. The WG has been discussing how we make our such a rich contents available to the public more than now especially for researchers inside and outside Japan. This fiscal year, we plan to provide some contents in Nihon Bijutsu Nenkan (Annuals of Japanese Art, in English The Yearbook of Japanese Art), which we publish every year since 1936, for some global academic information infrastructures.
In this presentation, at first, I will introduce one of our projects “Enrichment of Cultural Archives” and activities of the Archive Working Group, and also show you some specific research results and materials in our collection, as well as the research results and materials in our collection. Then, I will mention our international cooperation with institutions outside Japan.
Koide, Izumi Yasue (University of Tokyo)
Training program for Japanese studies librarians: a model of cooperation
In 1990s both subjects and objects of Japanese studies expanded; needs for resources and information for research had been diversified and extended. At the same time impacts of digital evolution affected libraries and we experienced fundamental changes: computers gained ability to deal with kanji besides alphabets; OPACs has become a standard tool worldwide; and bibliographic utilities started their functions in shared cataloging and ILL.
In order to cope with agenda stemming from these changes, a training program for Japanese studies librarians was started in 1997. It was a product of cooperation between Japan Foundation, National Diet Library, National Center for Science Information Systems (NACSIS, predecessor of NII), and International House of Japan.
This presentation describes how the program is planned responding to the needs of overseas Japanese studies librarians, and looks into that it promoted cooperation both national and international levels after some years of continuation. It discusses lessons for further cooperation in the future drawn from this program as a model of cooperation.
日本研究司書研修プログラム : 協力の一つのモデル
Koyama, Noboru (Retired from Cambridge University Library)
The development of resources for Japanese studies : from kokugaku to Japanology
We may be able to outline the historical development of Japanese studies from Kokugaku to Japanology and "Japanese resources" themselves, such as library collections can shed light on this trail of Japanese studies. Cumulation of Japanese books itself contains the history of Japanese studies. Cambridge University Library has held the "Aston, Satow and Von Siebold Collections" which consist of mainly former collections of W.G. Aston and E.M. Satow. I would like to demonstrate the intriguing relations between Kokugaku and the pioneers of Japanese studies particularly focusing on their Shinto books. One of the interesting aspects is to investigate Satow's relationship to the Hirata School of Kokugaku.
日本研究資料の歩み : 国学から日本学へ
[presentation | text]
Kumpis, Arvydas (Vytautas Magnus University. Centre for Asian Studies)
Contemporary Japanese studies in Vytautas Magnus University : presentation of collection on Social sciences and Humanities
Centre for Asian Studies (CAS) in Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is responsible for various activities, related to East Asia region studies. Japanese sector has always been the best cultivated sector – not only in terms of studies and academic activities but also expanding library funds. Chiune Sugihara Reading Room is an integral part of VMU Library but the expansion and management of funds is given to Centre for Asian Studies. Participation in projects, cooperation with various institutions and individual benefactors allowed CAS Chiune Sugihara Room to build the largest collection of material related to contemporary studies in Lithuania and one of the biggest in Baltic states.
Constant and focused activities are still ongoing. This presentation is aimed to provide the information about the current status of Chiune Sugihara Reading Room, its funds, active projects and the prospects related to Japanese studies.
Leca, Radu (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)
On the use of materiality in the virtual archive : Japanese map collections in the UK
There is an inherent paradox in using digital resources: as they make the original artifacts more available for consultation and accumulation in a virtual archive, they tend to obscure their material presence. How do we reconcile this paradox with the recent ‘material turn’ in the humanities? For example, recent historical cartography studies consider maps as ‘cartifacts’ participating in ‘connected material histories’. Drawing from fieldwork on UK collections of Japanese maps, I argue for a middle ground: the memory of direct consultation of an artifact can be used to construct a virtual experience of handling similar artifacts when seeing their digital images.
For this to be possible, we need more complete digital images and metadata which better reflect the artefacts’ materiality: in the case of maps, their outer packaging, covers, folded and unfolded state, owner seals and annotations. For example, the cover of Hashimoto Sokichi’s 1796 Karan shinyaku chikyū zenzu (‘New Translation from the Dutch of a Complete Map of the Globe’) in Cambridge University Library was embossed with the Dutch words Algemeene Waereld Kaart (‘General World Map’), making it more tangible as an artifact of foreign origin. However, this tactile understanding is difficult to attain from a digital image.
Maps thus constitute particularly vivid examples of artifacts which materialize the memory of past experiences. But in many cases, Japanese maps are stored in the Maps or in other sections of libraries, and their linguistic content and cultural context is poorly understood. A case in point are Japanese maps with annotations in Dutch, English or French in European collections – their multilingualism calls for collaboration among curators. As researchers, familiarity with the materiality of Japanese maps scattered throughout European collections needs to inform our virtual archives.
仮想資料館の中に資料の物質性を生かす: イギリス内日本地図コレクションの場合
その目的を果たすために原資料の物質性を完全に記録するデジタル画像とメタデータが必要である。即ち地図の場合その包み紙、表紙、折りたたみ寸法、印記、墨書等である。例えば、寛政8(1796)年刊橋本宗吉著『喎蘭新訳地球全図』の表紙には「Algemeene Waereld Kaart」(完成世界地図)の蘭語が浮き出しにされている。この触覚的な仕組みでその地図の外国発物質性が強調されている。しかし、デジタル画像のみ参照すればそれを理解しがたい。
Marandjian, Karine (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts)
This presentation is supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities grant
(project № 15-01-00168)
The Sakhalin collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts
The paper based upon the archive materials of the St.Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts deals with the transportation of trophy Japanese and Chinese books from Karafuto libraries and personal holding abandoned after the Southern Sakhalin joined the USSR and its Japanese population was repatriated. It happened in 1948 and the books were sent to Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies.
In Leningrad books were distributed between several Academic Institutions. Books related to humanities became a part of the Library and Manuscript Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. The most precious block-printed books and manuscripts were included in the Japanese Manuscript Collection and formed a Sakhalin Collection of the Institute of oriental Studies. At present the Sakhalin Collection includes 142 titles in 433 volumes. Among them there are twelve manuscripts.
Maruo, Katsumasa (Japan Center for Asian Historical Records)
アジ歴は利用者のニーズに如何に応えるか? : 視覚資料等へのアクセシビリティーの向上を目指して
How JACAR shall better meet user needs : aiming to improve document accessibility, particularly with visual materials
How shall Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) better meet the demands of domestic and foreign users? In this presentation, we will examine the results of a survey that JACAR has carried out internationally for over two years and discuss responses to user needs and expectations. We will also explore recent efforts to share materials as well as future plans for JACAR.
The digital documents in JACAR’s digital database, which integrates catalog information of modern document images, are held in physical form in three Japanese government archives. From the archives, JACAR has made public about two million catalog items or thirty million images. Although the images are primarily of historical documents, other types of materials such as photographs, maps, charts, and brochures are included. According to our survey, there are many people who hope to use JACAR’s visual items. However, the visual items are mixed in with documents and at times challenging to find. As a solution, we think that it is necessary to expand our catalog information so that users can search visual materials accurately and also so that better information circulates widely on the materials buried in the archive.
To increase ease of access, in this presentation we will discuss advanced JACAR search functions for visual materials and recent efforts to extract visual information from documents.
Mejzlíková, Barbora (Masaryk University. Seminar of Japanese Studies)
Seminar of Japanese Studies Library at Masaryk University
The paper is dealing with the set-up of Seminar of Japanese Studies Library at Masaryk University. It presents the system of the library currently in use and library collections related to Japanese Studies.
Morimoto, Kae (National Diet Library)
今回の報告では日本研究に資する観点から具体的な事例を選んで、「国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション」から求める資料を見つけ出す方法、知っておくと便利な情報 、提供している資料群の特色、インターネットを通じて本文が利用できない場合の入手方法、資料の二次利用の際の手続等について説明する。あわせて、本報告資料が日本研究の初学者でも「国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション」から有用な資料を探し出し、利用するためのガイダンス資料として各図書館で実践的に活用できるものになるよう、海外日本研究司書等の参加者との意見交換を行い、ブラッシュアップを図りたい。
How to make good use of the NDL Digital Collections for Japanese Studies
NDL Digital Collections provides over 2,500,000 digitized materials from the collections of the National Diet Library or other institutes. It also provides online publications from the websites of Japanese government agencies and other institutions. This database is one of the representative digital archive of materials published in Japan from 1860's to 1940's.
Approximately 500,000 items of which the copyright issues have been cleared are available via Internet. Metadata (title, author, table of contents, etc.) of all materials are also available via Internet.
I will make presentation about how to search materials from the NDL Digital Collections, useful techniques, outline of the provided collections, how to get the copy when the material is not available online and about reuse of contents from the database.
Based on the requests from participants in this session, the NDL will continue to provide useful information for overseas researchers in Japanese Studies.
Nagase, Yumi (Kansai Gaidai University)
A religious profile of Guam during wartime (1935-1945)
Nikolova, Vyara (Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski". Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology. Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures)
St. Kliment Ohridski、ソフィア大学で行われる日本研究を簡単に紹介させていただきたいです。ブルガリアで日本語と日本文化を教えるのは60年代の後半から始まったのですが、日本学の学士課程は、1990年に設立されました。その開始以来, ブルガリアでは日本研究は魅力になって、さまざまな研究者の注意を集めるフィールドとなってきます。そのときから、日本の研究は数多くの教育、文化、研究プロジェクトを開始しておきました。最近の例としては、「現代日本」という長期プロジェクトはブルガリアの研究センターで発足したことを上げられます。ソフィア大学に付属した図書室と研究センターは、再編成、更新、現代日本を研究し、体験する空間を提供するために、本のコレクションを拡大します。現在の教員は、近現代文学、経済と経営、政治と外交、ポップカルチャー、日本関連のプロモーション活動などを研究している学者です。活発的な活動を続けるために皆さんのご協力、サポートをお願いいたします。これでプレゼンテーションをオア割らせていただきたいと思います。
Japan Research at Sofia University : sources, sites and themes
The presentation will introduce briefly the Japanese Studies at Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski. The BA Program in Japanese Studies was founded in 1990, whereas teaching Japanese language and culture in Bulgaria began in the end of the 60s. Since its start Japanese Studies has always been a field drawing much attention thanks to the very positive image of Japan in Bulgaria. For 25 years as a regular BA Program Japanese studies has initiated numerous educational, cultural and research projects. One of the most recent ones is the inauguration of the Research Centre on Contemporary Japan, part of the long-term project Bulgaria For Japan. The Research Centre with the adjacent library section will reorganize, update and enlarge the collection of books in order to offer a space to research and experience contemporary Japan. Current faculty members work on individual and team research exploring contemporary Japan, which include Modern and Contemporary literature, Economy and Management, Politics and diplomacy, pop-culture, Japan-related promotional activities and others. The presentation will give a brief introduction of the current library resources, the new titles and fields of research and will outline the perspectives for future development and cooperation with colleagues from other countries.
Noguchi, Setsuko (Princeton University. East Asian Library and the Gest Collection)
Librarian’s collaboration
NCC (North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Resources) has been a matrix for collaborative projects by librarians and faculty in Japanese studies and a vocal advocate for the needs of our field since its founding in 1991. Current committees and working groups formed for collaborative purposes include InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery (ILL/DD), Multi Volume Set Project (MVS), Image Use Protocol (IUP), Librarian Professional Development Working Group (LPDWG) to name a few. I would like to introduce how some of our projects are evolving, in the hope of promoting NCC among our colleagues in Europe and enlisting you to join in NCC’s advocacy.
The ILL/DD committee has been working on resource sharing and since 2003. I would like to call your attention to the one of their current efforts obtaining access to NDL’s digitized materials which are out of print and difficult to obtain, on par with the availability of such materials domestically in Japan.
LPDWG, which has been constantly active, recently worked with NDL to add English subtitles to their distance learning material on NDL's ILL services site.
MVS was created in 1992 to further the cooperative development of Japanese language collections in the US with the funding of the Japan-US Friendship Commission. Recent notable acquisitions are joint application for shared storage and rare books for digitization. These new digitized sets are now freely available to all, internationally.
LPDWG and Digital Resources Committee (DRC) are working to offer a workshop on Digital Scholarship in 2017 at CEAL in Toronto. “Collaboration” is the key for being involved with digital scholarship projects.
Finally, several issues related to Japanese copyright law have been noted globally. NCC enlists all of us think more globally and work more collaboratively to get access for our users.
Otsuka, Eiji (International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
Alfons Mucha and the origin of shojo manga
Pedersen, Merete (University of Copenhagen / The Royal Library)
From catalogue to exhibition. What are the differences? – a personal account
Researching ehon and gafu for a catalogue of a library collection and for an exhibition at an art museum, albeit the same subject matter, is entirely a different matter. The players in the publishing game are the library, the editor and the publishing house whereas the main players for an exhibition at a museum is the curator and the private collector in the case of an exhibition of artwork and collectibles borrowed from a private source.
What are then the differences in presenting ehon or gafu in a catalogue or at an exhibition? Without any professional training in museum studies, arts management, and curating/curatorial practices the Japanese specialist is not prepared for the fights that invariably will take place as the specialist is determined to present the displayed items in a fashion the reflects the specialists knowledge.
The curator is a specialist in his own right, but falls short when confronted with Japanese script and motifs, themes etc. depicted in the Japanese illustrations. The curator may have a completely different aim in presenting the items than the collector or the specialist could imagine. All’s well that ends well” as one says, but based on my own experiences there are a some things that one should take into consideration before venturing to be part of an exhibtion.
同じ絵本と画譜というものにもかかわらず、図書館のコレクションのカタログや美術館での展覧会のための調査や仕事は、全く違います。パブリッシ ングゲームのプレイヤーは、図書館、編集者と出版社であるのに対し、展示品は、借りている場合、美術館の主要なプレーヤーは、美術館のキュレーターや個人収集家です。 カタログに、または展示会で、絵本や画譜を紹介する違いは何でしょうか?
Raianu, Ruxandra-Oana (University of Bucharest)
「ブカレスト大学におけるルーマニア語での日本語教材を作成するための国際協力」という論文では以下の点について触れる。1.ブカレスト大学での日本語教育のニーズ 2.日本語教材を作成することについて 3.国際協力の必要性 4.結論
International cooperation for creating Japanese language resources in the Romanian language at the University of Bucharest
The present research entitled ‘International Cooperation for creating Japanese Resources in Romanian language at the University of Bucharest’ consists of four parts: 1. The needs of the Japanese language education at the University of Bucharest; 2. Creating the Japanese language materials; 3. The need of international cooperation; 4. Conclusions.
This presentation is focused on the process of creating the Japanese language materials as required by the needs of the Japanese Language Department from the University of Bucharest.
1. ‘The needs of the Japanese language education at the University of Bucharest’ are explained in a simple way. This section will cover the amount of time required for Japanese language learning; it will provide the audience with information regarding the main specialties, the number of students, the number of teachers, language materials, etc.
2. The authors of the present language resources used at the University of Bucharest studied the previous Japanese language materials and created original language resources according to the language level and the goals of the Japanese language learners.
The second part of this presentation introduces the problems raised during the use and creation of the materials by stressing the examples given in the documents as well as their explanations and translations. It also underlines their positive aspects as well as those aspects which may undergo some changes.
3. The section entitled ‘Need of international cooperation’ introduces some points of view regarding the cooperation between the Japanese language teachers, especially the importance of the Japanese native speakers in charge with checking different aspects of the language as well as the content of the mentioned resources.
4. The ‘Conclusion’ part pleads for the necessity of international cooperation in creating Japanese language materials which should make use of both the researcher’s point of view, as well as the teaching purpose itself.
Rocha, Fabiano (University of Toronto Libraries)
Improving access to the JapanKnowledge e-collection: a collaborative project
This presentation aims to introduce a collaborative cataloguing project conducted by the University of Toronto, Yale University, Stanford University and University of Washington in St. Louis Libraries, that aimed to improve access to the JapanKnowledge collection. The team comprised of Japanese cataloguing librarians and metadata librarians created a set of high quality, provider-neutral e-resource records for discovery. Most importantly, the created collection was established with the OCLC’s WorldCat knowledge base, enabling all libraries to benefit from the work done by the cooperative cataloguing team.
Salomaa, Tero (Hokkaido University. Helsinki Office)
Tracing for uncatalogued Japanese artifacts in Finland
Finland has several known and quite well catalogued Japanese collections. Anyhow, there are, as in other European countries, several not so well known public and private collections. How to find and identify such collections? The aim of this project is to trace uncatalogued Japanese artifacts in Finland. The methods for tracing are such as Newspaper articles, interviews, advertisements at Japanese culture magazines and visits at premises (museums, institutions, private homes etc.).
The project started in the beginning of this year and already some rare objects have been found (Gallen-Kallela Museum Japanese objects, Sailors diaries from 1850´s, Fishery Museum unknown Japanese collection etc.).
At this presentation I am going give some examples of tracing. Hopefully these practices could be widely used in Europe to trace similar kind of Japanese collections. This is ongoing project, so I am hoping to get hints and advices from the EAJRS members.
Sasaki, Toshikazu (Hokkaido University)
Tanimoto, Akihisa (Hokkaido University)
コレクション形成史の可能性 : ロシア科学アカデミー東洋古籍文献研究所所蔵日本史料について
Is the history of collection possible? : on Japanese sources at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, preserves a lot of attractive Japanese books and manuscripts. In particular, deserving special mention are: (1) books and manuscripts brought from Japan to St. Petersburg by various circumstances in Edo period; (2) books and manuscripts brought to St. Petersburg from Southern Sakhalin after World War II.
Along with the contents of both (1) and (2), there is also a historical value in the circumstances of how they were brought, which is very interesting. (1) includes such valuable sources as books brought by the famous Japanese shipwrecked Daikokuya Kodayu in 1790s and account books registering deals of one Japanese merchant with Sakhalin Ainu in early 19th century. On Kodayu’s books there are some remarks in Russian letters about his feelings which seem to be of more interest than the contents of the books themselves. As for account books from Sakhalin, they were brought to St. Petersburg in the course of so-called Russian attacks of Bunka era, that has an important meaning for the history of Russia-Japan relations.
On the most of (2) there are ownership stamps. Using them as a clue, we can restore the ownership of these books to the various libraries of former Karafuto that is noteworthy in the cultural history.
In recent years Hokkaido University and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts have exchanged memoranda and work hand in hand on the restoration of the history of above-mentioned collections. In our presentation we would like to make a review of this project.
Scumpieru, Ion (Retired diplomat)
Japanese documents : a very important source to me
As a former diplomat being involved in the promotion of the bilateral relations between Romania and Japan, more than 20 years, I did my best to write the monograph of the history of their contacts and exchanges taking place along the time. In this respect, I had to research not only Romanian records but also the Japanese ones. It took me about six years to accomplish this project and finally at the end of 2013, I published the book ”133 years of relations between Romania and Japan”.
With respect to the Japanese sources, those I researched for my book represent about 45% of the total of the records. As it is understandable, my main source is the diplomatic archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan-MOFA. Of course I researched, also, the documents belonging to the National Archives and that of the National Institute for Military Research(Ministry of War, Ministry of Marine). Although I started to study the Japanese documents while I was posted in Tokyo, I was very luky to access, from Bucharest, the digital archives Japan Center for Asian Historical Records-JACAR, created in 2001, including the documents received from the archives mentined above.
The research of the Japanese archives offered me the chance to discover some very important documents concerning bilateral relations that do not exist in the Romanian ones.
Apart of these sources, I stydied also other Japanese materials like many press articles ,a set of books, reference studies concerning the relations between Japan and East European countries written in Japan. Also, the Embassy of Japan in Bucharest provided me with important informations, especially connected to trade exchanges.
Unfortunately, because the Japanese domestic rules, I could research only the records created before1945 and only a small number of records written after, selectively declassified and released by MOFA. It is desireble that JACAR receive these declasified documents as well as more others from all Japanese archives.
Anyhow, JACAR deserves the gratitude of all foreign researchers for allowing them free access to its documents, to copy and publish it.
The details will be presented to you in September 2016, at The 27-th EAJRS Conference taking place in Bucharest.
Seki, Hideyuki (Keio University. Media Center Head Office)
International exchange activities at Keio University Media Center (Library)
Keio University Media Center (Library) provides its services to meet the global standard whatever applicable. For example, the Library uses Aleph system of Ex Libris in order to adapt MARC21 format. We also provide digitised images of 90,000 titles of our books to HathiTrust, and the Library is a member of OCLC Research Partnership Programme.
As well as our services to match the international standard, we also dedicate our effort to developing our members of staff with global view. To achieve this, we dispatch our staff to overseas libraries for several months. This scheme commenced in 1965 sending a library staff to the University of Hawai’i Library. Since then the scheme has been continuously implemented, and last year, we sent our staff to the UK based at the Sainsbury Institute for the Japanese Arts and Cultures and to North America at University of Toronto Libraries and University of Washington East Asia Library.
My presentation will show you the overview of the Keio University and its libraries, and will introduce you the Library’s international exchange activities including the overseas secondment scheme. I hope my presentation will help you to recognise how one private university library in Japan can play a positive role on the international stage.
慶應義塾大学メディアセンター(図書館)では国際標準を意識したサービスを行っている。MARC21と海外ILS(Ex Libris社の Aleph)の採用、HathiTrustへのデータ登録、OCLC Research Library Partnershipへの加盟などである。そして、国際的な視野を持つ人材を育成していく方法の一つとして、図書館員を欧米の図書館に長期派遣する制度の継続に力を入れている。1965年のハワイ大学図書館への派遣に始まるこの制度は、時代とともに内容・方法は変化しているが途絶えることなく継続できており、昨年度は、セインズベリー日本藝術研究所を拠点とした英国への派遣のほか、北米のトロント大学図書館、ワシントン大学東アジア図書館への派遣を実施した。
Shchepkin, Vasilii (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts)
This presentation is supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities grant
(project № 15-01-00168)
Not just Nagasaki : routes of book flows from early modern Japan to Russia in 18th and 19th centuries
Nagasaki is well known for being a kind of information window for early modern Japan with the V. O. C. trade factory on Dejima acting as both provider of European knowledge for Japanese intellectuals and a place through where Japanese materials flew out to Europe. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts in St. Petersburg, Russia, stores some collections originated from Nagasaki. For example, Johann Stutzer presented his collection of Japanese books and maps to Ekaterina the Great in 1795. Another collection originally brought to France by Isaac Titsing reached St. Petersburg in 1830 through Julius Klaproth and Pavel Shilling.
At the same time, along with the establishment of Russo-Japanese relations in late 18th and early 19th centuries, another route of Japanese books flow into Russia appeared at the north. Japanese shipwrecked sailors, Russian pioneers as well as the officers of Russian-American Company became significant feeders of the collection of old Japanese books at the Russian Academy of Sciences and other archive institutions. This presentation provides a brief outline of the early incomes of Japanese books and maps to the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian State Navy Archives and Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents.
長崎に限らない : 18~19世紀に近世日本からロシアへ渡る古書の諸経路について
Shigemori Bučar, Chikako (University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Arts)
Swords and sword equipments in Slovenia
The Japanese Studies at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana is in its 21st year since its establishment. Recently, together with the Chinese Studies in the same department, we are trying to locate, identify and correctly categorize the Japanese (and East Asian) art and resources currently archived in the Republic of Slovenia.
This time, I would like to focus on swords and sword equipments found in three different locations, and point out specific difficulties we face when tracking the background history:
- two swords in the Regional Museum in Koper (collector unknown)
- two pieces of kozuka in the Maritime Museum in Piran (collector: Anton Dolenc)
- several pieces of tsuba in the Library of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana (collector: Ivan Jager)
Objects listed above have arrived in this part of Europe between the last decades of 19th and the first half of 20th century. In this period, the area of the present Slovenia underwent several socio-political changes. According to History of Slovenia [Wikipedia, May 25, 2015]:
[…]between the mid 14th century and 1918 most of Slovenia was under Habsburg rule. In 1918, Slovenes joined Yugoslavia, while the west of the country was annexed to Italy. Between 1945 and 1990, Slovenia was under Yugoslav Communist regime. The country gained its independence from Yugoslavia in June 1991. […]
The coastal towns of Koper (No. 1 above) and Piran (No. 2 above) were thus under Italy between 1918 and 1945, but the amount of information we have concerning the objects differ greatly between these two cases. On the other hand, we have fairly good information on Ivan Jager’s collection (No. 3) since it was kept as a private collection in the US (outside the Yugoslav territory) untill late 1960s.
I would also like to call attention of art specialists and ask for their expert opinion about these objects.
- コーペル地方博物館、刀2口(蒐集家未詳)
- ピラン海事博物館、小柄2つ(蒐集家アントン・ドレンツ)
- スロヴェニア学術・芸術アカデミー、鍔数個(蒐集家イヴァン・ヤーゲル)
14世紀中頃から1918年までは、スロヴェニアのほとんどの領域がハプスブルクの統治下にあった。1918年にはユーゴスラヴィアの一部となったが、西の部分はイタリアに併合された。1945年〜1990年はユーゴスラヴィア社会主義連邦共和国の一部、1991年には、ユーゴスラヴィアから分離・独立した。[ウィキペディア, 2015. 5. 25.]
Uemura, Jun'ichi (National Institute of Informatics)
Hirano, Akira (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)
Kamiya, Nobutake (Universität Zürich. Asien-Orient-Institut. Japanische Bibliothek)
Tytler, Izumi (University of Oxford. Bodleian Japanese library)
NACSIS セッション
Nacsis session
Yasue, Akio (Library preservation specialist)
Tytler, Izumi (Bodleian Japanese library. University of Oxford)
Hirano, Akira (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)
Magnussen, Naomi Yabe (Humanities and Social Science Library. University of Oslo library.)
Bissig, Sayako (Japanische Bibliothek. Asien-Orient-Institut. Universität Zürich)
Kamiya, Nobutake (Japanische Bibliothek. Asien-Orient-Institut. Universität Zürich) (as moderator)
Report of the 2015/2016 EAJRS Conservation/Preservation Working Group project (conservation assessment)
As the 2015/2016 project, the WG had organized the specialist visits to 9 European libraries to conduct an assessment survey of the special collections depending their particular circumstances and needs. Mr Yasue, as the WG specialist and adviser, conducted the surveys and will report his findings and to give his personal comments for the WG.
Librarians from 4 of the recipient libraries will give brief comment/feedback on the findings.
Yokota-Carter, Keiko (University of Michigan Graduate Library)
Hathi Trust Research Center 入門 : グローバルなデジタル環境での日本研究支援
Hathi Trust Research Center (HTRC)の機能を紹介する。これはインディアナ大学とイリノイ大学により協同運営されている。(ミシガン大学はHathi Trust のパートナー校)。最近Hathi Trust の14百万の全デジタル文献がテキストマイニング研究を行う研究者に公開されることになった。日本語文献にはまだ限界がある。将来の研究のために日本語テキストのOCRを改善するための国際協力を呼びかけたい。
Hathi Trust Research Center 101 : promoting Japanese studies in global digital environment
I will introduce the function of Hathi Trust Research Center (HTRC), the virtual service operated by Indiana University and University of Illionis. (U of Michigan is a partner institution of the Hathi Trust.) Recently they open all 14 million digitized volumes to researchers who conduct text-mining. Japanese language materials are still limited. I would like to call international cooperation to encourage the Hathi Trust to improve the OCR of Japanese texts for future research.