Webinar: Information Sources for Japanese Studies

The National Diet Library Japan would like to announce a webinar on Information Sources for Japanese Studies, which is being held through February 27, 2025.
For details, see [https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/library/training_jsl.html]

This webinar is intended for librarians, researchers, and other people outside of Japan who are engaged in Japanese studies.
The goal of this webinar is to teach and improve basic skills for finding and using information related to research in Japanese studies.

NIJL / EAJRS kotenseki seminar

The 2nd NIJL/EAJRS Kotenseki online Seminar will be held on 18 October. This year's theme is pre-modern Buddhist works. All interested individuals are welcome to attend.

For your information: Last year's Seminar, which examined how to read the characters engraved on seals which found in pre-modern Japanese books, can be viewed here.

More info


昨年に引き続きNIJL/EAJRS Kotenseki online Seminarを10月18日に開催します。今年のテーマは、仏書です。興味のある方の参加をお待ちしています。

Kotenseki seminar

The National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL) and European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS) would like to invite you to the newly inaugurate Kotenseki Seminar. This seminar series covers various topics related to Japanese pre-modern materials. The online lectures will be given by a researcher from NIJL in Japanese. No English translation will be given.